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Recent developments on financial crime, corruption and money laundering: European and international perspectives


2024-07-01 - 2024-07-06 ( 50,01 hours )


Όλες οι μέθοδοι

280€ - 400€
Υπεύθυνος Προγράμματος:
Dr. Theodoros Papakyriakou
Η υποβολή αιτήσεων ολοκληρώνεται στις

Recent developments on financial crime, corruption and money laundering: European and international perspectives

Η υποβολή αιτήσεων ολοκληρώνεται στις



  • Σύντομη Περιγραφή

    The Center for Education and Lifelong Learning of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the Research Institute for Transparency, Corruption and Financial Crime, Faculty of Law-Aristotle University of Thessaloniki ( welcome you to the Summer School “Current developments on financial crime, corruption and money laundering: European and international perspectives”, a 50,01-hour hybrid course with the option to attend in person or online, taught with the help of a simultaneous teleconferencing system.

    The 6-day intensive courses will focus on ongoing developments of key issues in combating international fraud, corruption and money laundering, international and European anti-fraud mechanisms and procedures, etc.  The subjects that are taught in the summer school, are of remarkable interest, as they specialise in top issues in the field of financial crime, corruption and money laundering. At the same time, these are topics that have undergone significant developments in recent years. These developments have resulted to the adoption of acts at European Union level (new EU Financial Interest Fraud Directive, new European Public Prosecutor’s Office Regulation, 5th and 6th Anti-Money Laundering Directive), but also to the emergence of new ways and means of committing crimes in the fields of financial crime, corruption and money laundering (bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, offshore companies etc.).

    After successful completion of the program, participants receive a Certificate of Training with 3.5 ECTS. Participants, who have attended but not successfully completed the program, will be awarded a Certificate of Attendance.

    The Scientific Director of the Programme is Theodoros Papakyriakou, Ass. Professor of Law School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and Director of the Research Institute for Transparency, Corruption and Financial Crime.

    The Academic Director of the Programme is Maria Kaiafa-Gbandi, Em. Professor of Law School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Founding Member of the European Criminal Policy Initiative (ECPI).

    Start Date: July 1st, 2024

    End of the course: July 6th, 2024

    Duration: 50,01 hours

    Certificate/ECTS: Certificate of Training with 3.5 ECTS or Certificate of Attendance.

    Applications are submitted online from 4/12/2023 to 30/6/2024.


    In person: The tuition fee for the 2024 in person session is € 400. It includes tuition, course materials, certificate of attendance, breakfast snacks and light lunch during lecture breaks, and participation in the farewell event.

    Online: The tuition fee for the 2024 online session is € 340. It includes tuition, course materials and the certificate of attendance.


    In person: We offer a special “early bird” fee of € 320 to all participants who register before 27/6/2024.

    Online: A special “early bird” fee of € 280 is offered to all participants who register before 27/6/2024.

    The Discount policy of the Center for Education and Lifelong Learning AUTh is also applicable. For further information please see the ‘discount policy’ section.

    Teaching staff 

    Speakers include:

  • Στόχος του προγράμματος

    The aim of the program is to conduct an intensive summer school, lasting six days, on European and international developments and perspectives in the fields of financial crime, corruption and money laundering. The summer school aims to develop the knowledge of the participants in the fields of the summer school, through the teaching of courses by professors from distinguished universities abroad, professors and doctors of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, as well as by the Head of Unit Criminal Law of the European Commission. The summer school aims, beyond deepening the knowledge of the participants in its subjects, to promote the scientific dialogue between law students and young scientists from different countries of the world, with the support of professors from leading European Universities.

  • Μαθησιακά Αποτελέσματα

    Upon completion of the course, participants will have knowledge of key issues in combating international fraud, corruption and money laundering, international and European anti-fraud mechanisms and procedures, etc.  They will have broad, specialized, practical, and theoretical knowledge of current European and international developments and perspectives in the fields of financial crime, corruption and money laundering, and will be aware of the limits of this knowledge. The participants will gain a comprehensive and essential understanding of the legislative and jurisprudential developments in the above fields, in their European and international dimension.

  • Σε ποιους απευθύνεται

    The program is addressed to law students, young graduates and professionals with a background in law. Applicants with a background in other disciplines that are relevant to the theme of the summer school will be considered as well.

  • Κριτήρια επιλογής

    Application Form can submit those who have:

    • a Law degree, or a degree in relevant scientific fields, or
    • a certificate of enrollment at a law school, or a certificate of enrollment at a school of relevant scientific field.

    Requirements for the participation:

    • Access to Internet
    • Personal email
    • Basic computer skills
    • Although applicants are not required to present an official certificate of language proficiency, they need to be fluent in English, so that they can follow the courses and interact with fellow students.

    A priority order will be followed during the selection of participants.

  • Μέθοδος Υλοποίησης

    The summer school will be delivered in a hybrid format, with the option to attend in person or online, taught with the help of a simultaneous teleconferencing system, so that the participants will have the chance to interact and participate in the discussion.

  • Πρόγραμμα Σπουδών
    • Introduction to EU Criminal Law
    • Fraud against the financial interests of the EU
    • Combating fraud against the financial interests of the EU – procedural perspectives
    • Protecting fundamental rights in the fight against financial crime: General framework
    • Protecting fundamental rights in the fight against financial crime: Specific Issues
    • The EU institutional framework on organised crime, its significance for combating financial crime, corruption and money laundering, and its role for promoting a ‘European Security Union’
    • Money laundering: International and EU perspectives
    • Criminal liability for self-money laundering
    • Asset recovery and confiscation
    • Fighting tax crime: principles and tools
    • Cybermoney – a new challenge for Criminal Law
    • Corruption and political influence: a comparative study on the regulation of lobbying
    • Combating corruption with Criminal Law: International and EU perspectives
    • The Proposal for an EU Directive on Combating Corruption
    • Validity of contracts formulated under corruption and respective civil liability
    • Offshore companies and financial crime: substantive and procedural issues
    • Financial crime and digitalisation: the new EU legislation on cross-border access to electronic evidence in criminal matters
    • Financial crime: EU perspectives and national problems
    • Judicial Cooperation in the EU and the EPPO
    • EU as a global actor at the field of financial crime

    The detailed programme is available here.

  • Εκπαιδευτικό Υλικό / Παροχές

    The course provides participants with

    1. Presentations or outlines of the lectures
    2. Case Law
    3. Reading materials
  • Υποχρεώσεις και Δικαιώματα Εκπαιδευομένων

    Obligations of Trainees:

    1. Participation in the programs of K.E.DI.BI.M. of the AUTH implies full acceptance of the program’s Study Guide and the Internal Regulation of Operation of the K.E.DI.BI.M. of the AUTH.
    2. The presence/attendance of trainees in the educational programmes is mandatory. In the programmes which are realized in physical presence, as in those implemented using the modern method of tele-education, the study is generally mandatory and the limit of absences cannot exceed 10% of the prescribed training hours. The monitoring of asynchronous education is implemented according to the study schedule set by each programme.
    3. For the successful completion of the programme, the participants should:
    4. not exceed 10% absences of the scheduled training hours
    5. have passed the exams
    6. have paid the tuition fee by the start of the program.

    Rights of Trainees:

    1. Trainees are informed by the Department of Administrative Support of K.E.DI.BI.M. for all kinds of information related to the operation of the Centre.
    2. Trainees are supported electronically through the educational platform by the trainers, as part of the educational process, to resolve questions and provide clarifications related to the thematic units of the programme.
    3. Trainees have the right to apply for the interruption/termination of their programme attendance and a refund of their tuition fees, in accordance with the provisions of par. 12.9 hereof.
  • Πιστοποιητικό

    After successful completion of the program, participants receive a Certificate of Training, which is issued by the Center for Education and Lifelong Learning of the AUTH and signed by the President of the Center.

    Participants, who have attended but not successfully completed the program, will be awarded a Certificate of Attendance.

  • Επικοινωνία

    For further information, please contact:

    Name/Surname:  Dr. Nikoletta Karaliota


  • Κανονισμός Σπουδών ΚΕΔΙΒΙΜ ΑΠΘ
    Δείτε τον κανονισμό σπουδών ΕΔΩ
  • Κανονισμός Διαχείρισης Παραπόνων
    Δείτε τον κανονισμό διαχείρισης παραπόνων ΕΔΩ


Basic Fees:
In person: The tuition fee for the 2024 in person session is € 400. It includes tuition, course materials, certificate of attendance, breakfast snacks and light lunch during lecture breaks, and participation in the farewell event.

Online: The tuition fee for the 2024 online session is € 340. It includes tuition, course materials and the certificate of attendance.


Discount Policy:

  1. We offer a special “early bird” fee to all participants who register before 27/6/2024.

In person “early bird” fee: € 320

Online “early bird” fee: € 280

  1. 30% discount on the basic fee categories (i.e. in person € 280/ online € 238)*
  • Staff/Faculty working in Greek Universities and Research Centers
  • University students
  • Unemployed
  • European Youth Card holders
  • People with Disabilities
  • Multi-child parents or members of a multi-child family
  1. 15% discount on the basic fee categories (i.e. in person € 340/ online € 289)*
  • Graduates of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh)
  • Past attendees of a Center for Education and Lifelong Learning programme of AUTh
  • Group registrations of 4 people or more in the same programme

The 3 discount categories do not apply cumulatively.

*Category 2 and 3 discounts will be provided based on the chronological order of applications (“first come, first served” basis) and for 30% of the total number of participants.

For the provision of the discount, the application must be accompanied by the necessary supporting documents.

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