Active Citizenship in a Participatory Culture


2024-07-04 - 2024-07-10 ( 50 ώρες )


Μικτή μέθοδος διδασκαλίας

Υπεύθυνος Προγράμματος:
Dr. Tatiani Rapatzikou
Η υποβολή αιτήσεων ολοκληρώνεται στις

Active Citizenship in a Participatory Culture

Η υποβολή αιτήσεων ολοκληρώνεται στις



  • Σύντομη Περιγραφή

    The program investigates methods of social learning through the lens of American Studies at the intersection with digital technologies, artistic practice, literary and cultural production with emphasis placed on language, literature, theater, AR installation art and digital media.

    The interdisciplinary training of the participants in this Summer School through their engagement with various individual short writing activities & group projects responds to the urgent need for professional development and digital skill development.

    The Scientific Coordinator of the program is Dr. Tatiani Rapatzikou, Associate Professor, Department of American Literature and Culture, School of English, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh), Greece.

    Hours: 50

    Start date: Thursday, July 4th

    End date: Wednesday, July 10th

    Applications until 5/7/2024

    Cost: non- students: 100 euros, students: 60 euros

    Discount: Early-bird non-students 70 euros (for the first 10 participants)

    Certificate/ECTS: YES/2

    Summer School Language: English


    Teaching Staff

    For the teaching staff bio information, please see:

    Specifically, these are:

    Konstantinos Blatanis (Associate Professor of American Literature and Culture, Faculty of English Language and Literature, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece).

    Fani Boudouroglou (Visual artist, School of Visual and Αpplied Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece).

    Vasileios (Vassilis) N. Delioglanis (post-doctoral researcher, Department of American Literature and Culture, School of English, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece).

    Meagan Driver  (Assistant Professor, Department of Romance and Classical Studies and a core faculty member in the Second Language Studies (SLS) Ph.D. Program, Michigan State University, U.S.; current Fulbright Scholar).

    Despoina Feleki (appointed School Principal in Greek Education; post-doctoral holder, School of English, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece).

    Efthymia Lydia Roupakia (Assistant Professor, Department of American Literature and Culture, School of English, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece).

    Foteini Toliou (Ph.D. candidate, Department of American Literature and Culture, School of English, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece).

  • Στόχος του προγράμματος

    The Summer School Program aims to:

    • Investigate the concept of active citizenship in an interdisciplinary way;
    • Familiarize participants with basic theoretical concepts (active citizenship, participatory politics, digital age civics, etc.);
    • Familiarize participants with a variety of cultural examples through the prism of American Studies;
    • Develop digital skills through the use of suggested digital tools and platforms;
    • Develop language and communication skills;
    • Develop 21st century social skills (understanding, empathy, advocacy, leadership etc);
    • Acquire exercise in applications of transformative educational practices;
    • Enhance interdisciplinarity when coupling cultural production and digital participatory community;
    • Provide job development opportunities;
    • Cultivate critical thinking.
  • Μαθησιακά Αποτελέσματα


    Upon completion of the course, participants will…

    • Specialize in active citizenship through the prism of American Studies
    • Specialize in active citizenship investigated through through language, literature, theater, AR installation art and digital media.
    • Acquire knowledge directly related to their work environment and in their daily contact with students in Education.
    • Develop lifelong learning opportunities by enriching the knowledge in American and Cultural Studies.


    Upon completion of the course, participants will

    • Develop Social skills (mediation, empathy, cooperative, communication)
    • Develop leadership and advocacy skills
    • Develop Digital skills (building digital maps and awareness walks, etc.).


    • Upon completion of the course, participants will
    • Know how to inspire and educate their students on social awareness and advocacy through the study of literature, theatre, the use of art in physical or digital environments.
  • Σε ποιους απευθύνεται

    The program is addressed to

    • Students and alumni/a of various departments with a background in the Humanities & Liberal Arts (indicative domains: Greek and foreign literatures and cultures, pedagogy, fine arts, film, journalism and media),
    • Researchers from all fields of studies,
    • Educators from primary, secondary and college education,
    • IB students
    • Interested public
  • Κριτήρια επιλογής

    Those interested in the program are required to submit their application electronically via the webpage of the Center for Education and Lifelong Learning, AUTh.

    The following supplementary documents would need to be submitted to this email:

    • Short Personal bio (Greek or English) [120-200 words]
    • Motivation letter (preferably in English) [up to 250 words]
    • For degree holders, a transcript of undergraduate and/or postgraduate courses is required
    • Certificate of English language skills (B2 or above)
    • Certificate of digital skills (optional)

    For the participant selection, all the documents above will be considered and everyone will  be selected on a first-come first-served basis.

    Those selected to attend the course would need to have:

    • Access to Internet (for the ZOOM sessions of the course)
    • Personal email
    • Basic computer skills
  • Μέθοδος Υλοποίησης

    The Summer School program involves:


    Synchronous online teaching in lecture & workshop format [DAY 1 of the program]

    • Compulsory online participation of students in lecture and workshop format with individual and group activities

    Synchronous onsite teaching in lecture & workshop format [DAYS 2-5 of the program]

    • Compulsory onsite participation of students in lecture and workshop format with individual and group activities


    Summer School communication:

    Synchronous/Asynchronous communication

    • Onsite communication
    • Online communication via Auth Elearning platform and ZOOM


    Summer School Venues:

    Onsite teaching will take place at the AUTh Central Library Amphitheatre & the AUTh Central Library Computer Room

    Online teaching sessions will be held on ZOOM (supported by AUTh).

    All program material, asynchronous activities, and submission of assignments will be carried out via the AUTh Elearning platform.

  • Πρόγραμμα Σπουδών
  • Εκπαιδευτικό Υλικό / Παροχές

    Educational Material

    The study material on daily basis includes:

    • Lectures & Workshops [onsite with only 3 lectures/workshops delivered online via Zoom]
    • Primary source excerpts (pdf) [via Elearning]
    • Secondary source excerpts (pdf) [via Elearning]
    • Access to electronic primary sources (open access) [via Elearning]
    • Access to bibliographic material (as this is recommended by the Summer School instructors)

    Other benefits

    The program provides:

    • 2 ECTS credits (corresponding to 30 h per person participation)
    • Opportunities for daily participation in online discussion forum and hands-on activities during the onsite workshops
    • Feedback and guidance (on an individual and group basis) by the course instructors.
  • Υποχρεώσεις και Δικαιώματα Εκπαιδευομένων

    Obligations of Trainees:


    1. Participation in the programs of K.E.DI.BI.M. of the AUTH implies full acceptance of the program’s Study Guide and the Internal Regulation of Operation of the K.E.DI.BI.M. of the AUTH.
    2. The presence/attendance of trainees in the educational programmes is mandatory. In the programmes which are realized in physical presence, as in those implemented using the modern method of tele-education, the study is generally mandatory and the limit of absences cannot exceed 10% of the prescribed training hours. The monitoring of asynchronous education is implemented according to the study schedule set by each programme.
    3. For the successful completion of the programme, the participants should:
    4. not exceed 10% absences of the scheduled training hours
    5. have completed all activities
    6. have paid all the tuition fees by 8/7/2024

    Rights of Trainees:

    1. Trainees are informed by the Department of Administrative Support of K.E.DI.BI.M. for all kinds of information related to the operation of the Centre.
    2. Trainees are supported electronically through the educational platform by the trainers, as part of the educational process, to resolve questions and provide clarifications related to the thematic units of the programme.
    3. Trainees have the right to apply for the interruption/termination of their programme attendance and a refund of their tuition fees, in accordance with the provisions of par. 12.9 hereof.
    4. Students’/Trainees’ work is protected under the Copyright Regulations/Provisions.
  • Πιστοποιητικό

    After successful completion of the program, participants receive a Certificate of Training, which is issued by the Center for Education and Lifelong Learning of the AUTH and signed by the President of the Center.

    Participants, who have attended but not successfully completed the program, will be awarded a Certificate of Attendance.

  • Επικοινωνία

    For further information, please contact:


    (Tatiani Rapatzikou & Despoina Feleki)

  • Κανονισμός Σπουδών ΚΕΔΙΒΙΜ ΑΠΘ
    Δείτε τον κανονισμό σπουδών ΕΔΩ
  • Κανονισμός Διαχείρισης Παραπόνων
    Δείτε τον κανονισμό διαχείρισης παραπόνων ΕΔΩ


Cost: non- students 100 euros, students 60 euros

Discount: Early-bird non-students: 70 euros (for the first 10 participants)

Information about payment will be sent directly to the applicants.

Final day of payment: 8/7/2024

Discount Policy:

Early Bird for the first 10 participants: 70 euros

Students need to submit proof of their student ID to

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