2020-08-30 - 2020-09-11 ( )
Η υποβολή αιτήσεων ολοκληρώνεται στις
MARE.20 “Materials and Techniques for the Restoration of Monuments. Compatibility, Durability, Sustainability and Economy in Retrofitting Heritage Structures”
Within the framework of the Lifelong Learning Unit of AUTh, a Training Seminar of 2 weeks will be offered, starting from 30 August to 11 September 2020, under the title: MARE.20 “Materials and Techniques for the Restoration of Monuments. Compatibility, Durability, Sustainability and Economy in Retrofitting Heritage Structures”.
After the success of MARE.14 (July 2014) and MARE.17 (July 2017) with totally 55 participants from 16 countries, MARE.20 is announced. MARE.20 is a constitutional course focusing on materials and techniques for the conservation and retrofitting of heritage structures, based on the principles of Compatibility and Durability. The course is open to architects, engineers, restorers, conservators, archaeologists and other scientists and professionals involved in the restoration of monuments and historic buildings.
It is coordinated by two sectors of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki:
-Laboratory of Building Materials, School of Civil Engineering
-Interdepartmental Program of Postgraduate Studies on the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Monuments, Faculty of Engineering
while the Olympus Festival and the Ephorate of Antiquities of Pieria contribute as participating sectors.
What makes MARE courses to be distinguished among others is that they are devoted to the practical exercising of each participant with materials and techniques. Participants carry out diploma works, concerning repairing on the site of Dion which are presented at the end of the course. Relevant notes and literature are given to all participants.
Important dates
Applications are submitted online. The application form is available here.
For any further information or other arrangements, please contact at the e-mail mare20.secretariat@gmail.com or tel: +30 2310 995882.
Director of the Programme
Em. Prof I. Papayianni
Objectives of the Course
Materials studied
Mortars, Renders, Mosaic substratum’s, Grouts, Earth blocks, Fired bricks, Advanced composite materials
The Seminar will take place in the Archaeological site of Dion and in the Laboratory of Building Materials of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
For any further information or other arrangements, please contact at the e-mail mare20.secretariat@gmail.com or tel: +30 2310 995882.
Full registration: 1200€
Students (PhD, post graduate): 1000€
Maximum number of participants: 25
The Registration fee of the Seminar includes:
For those candidates’ not needing accommodation and nutrition the registration fee is 800€.
Τμήμα Διοικητικής Υποστήριξης ΚΕΔΙΒΙΜ ΑΠΘ
Τηλέφωνα: +30 2310 99 67 -82, -88, -83, -81
E-mail: kedivim@auth.gr
Ανάπτυξη: Κέντρο Ηλεκτρονικής Διακυβέρνησης ΑΠΘ
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