Programs are carried out throughout the year. Each program has a different start date, duration, and cost.

Programs are implemented with the following methods:

• In person (physical presence of the participants)

• Distance learning (synchronous and/or asynchronous teaching)

• Mixed method (combination of live participation and distance learning)

A study guide is created for each program, which describes the conditions for the participation and the selection of participants.

Those interested submit an application for their program of preference, which is then evaluated by the Scientific Director of the program.

Most of the programs in The Center for Education and Lifelong Learning are self-financed and there are tuition fees for their attendance. You will find information on the cost and the method of payment of the tuition fees in the information chapter of each program.

The Center for Education and Lifelong Learning also carries out funded programs, for which there is no tuition fees.

The Center for Education and Lifelong Learning of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki can provide a discount on some educational programs. The discount is not cumulative. You can learn more about the discount policy of the Center here

For the programs that have in person presence, as well as for those carried out with the online learning method (synchronous teaching) attendance is mandatory and the limit of absences cannot exceed 10% of the total hours of education.

At the end of each program participants must evaluate the program, its educators and the services offered in an online form sent to them by the Scientific Director of the program. 

The program evaluation is done anonymously and is of great importance. Data from the evaluation forms may be used anonymously for communication purposes. 

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