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Responsibilities of the Administrative Support Department

The Department of Administrative Support of the Center for Education and Lifelong Learning of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki has the responsibilities mentioned below:

  • Registration of incoming and outgoing documents of the Center.
  • Secretarial support of the Council’s administrative bodies
  • Provision of supporting material, information and guidance regarding the writing of the proposal for the implementation of an educational program to the scientific and academic managers of the program.
  • Ιssuance of the Training Certificates and Supplemental Certificates of the successful candidates.
  • Οbservance of the publicity formalities of the decisions of the Council of the Center regarding the approval of programs.
  • Posting of approved programs and announcements on the website of the Center.
  • Provision of information to those interested for any type of information related to the operation of the Center.
  • Providing support to the Scientific and Academic Managers for administrative issues throughout the implementation period of the educational programs.
  • Record keeping regarding the evaluation forms of the programs by the trainees.
  • Κeeping statistics for programs and trainees and submitting them to competent bodies.
  • Collection of implementation reports by the scientific managers of the programs.
  • Μaintenance of the electronic registration file of the Instructors Registry.
  • Μaintenance of the electronic registration file of the Trainees Registry.
  • Μaintenance of the electronic registration file of the Evaluators Registry.
  • Preparation of communication material, presentations, visuals, brochures, etc.
  • Preparation of communication material, presentations, visual content, brochures, etc.
  • Writing guides and other informational content.
  • Organization of conferences and other communicative events.
  • Organization of work meetings with third parties for the establishment of partnerships and the further development of the Center.


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